Science 7 - Life Cycles


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Life Cycles




Life Cycles

This "Life Cycles Page" has links to sites about endangered animals. The sites, which are listed in alphabetical order, have been selected to help you with certain projects in the Life Cycles module.

Canadian Species at Risk
At this Environment Canada site you can search for different species at risk. Click on a category of species e.g., "mammals". Then select a risk category e.g., "endangered", to search for a list of species in this category.

Endangered Species in Canada
This Environment Canada site has information about endangered species in Canada. Scroll down to find the five categories used to describe species at risk. Then scroll down further to see examples of successful recovery programs.

Endangered Species in Endangered Spaces
This site has information on rare and endangered animals in British Columbia. There are fact pages and pictures of many species including:
amphibians, birds, fish, insects, mammals, invertebrates and reptiles. The site is operated by the Royal British Columbia Museum, Okanagan University College and others.

Endangered Species Theme Page
A wide variety of sites with information on endangered species, compiled by CLN.

World Wildlife Fund
This WWF site has fact sheets on a range of international endangered species. Some species include: Giant pandas, tigers, elephants, rhinoceroses and so on. Information is given about the ecology of each species, as well as threats and conservation efforts.

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