Nickole Evans

Nickole Evans is a young woman who is making a big difference in the world. She has given hundreds of hours in her community working as a camp volunteer for developmentally disabled youth, stocking shelves at the food bank, cleaning up yards for senior citizens, playing games with residents at a nursing home, and reading to young children. Evans also started a local branch of Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE), convincing her friends, family, and neighbors to join.

Evans has created a Web site which she hopes will help young people share their feelings about violence, both in school and elsewhere. This site,, covers issues of concern to young people such as violence, racism, overpopulation, discrimination, and poverty.

Nickole encourages other youths to get involved in their community. "The more of us that are helping others, the better our world will be."

(Reproduced with permission of My Hero Project © 2003 Nickole Evans written by Ethan Stone)