Lesson 4: Practicing Active Citizenship

Craig Kielburger

When he was twelve years old, Craig Kielburger read a newspaper story about a Pakistani boy who was sold into bondage and later murdered. Kielburger was saddened by what he read and decided to do something about it.

Kielburger formed an organization called Kids Can Free the Children (KCFTC). KCFTC has built more than 300 primary schools around the world, which have educated almost 15,000 children. KCFTC also provides health kits and school supplies to children in impoverished areas so they can attend school. KCFTC has successfully lobbied governments in Canada, Mexicio, and Italy to pass laws that better protect children's rights.

Kielburger, now nineteen, travels around the world encouraging others to become socially involved. He has met with presidents, prime ministers, business leaders, government officials, religious leaders, and schools. He has also appeared on several major television programs, including CNN, the Oprah Winfrey Show, and 60 Minutes.

To learn more about Kids Can Free the Children (KCFTC) go to http://www.freethechildren.com/

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