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Reading Instructions - continued

If you are unfamiliar with any words in the instructions, look them up in a dictionary. For example, if you didn’t know what “citation” meant in this set of instructions, you would look this up to understand what is being asked of you. If you are still unsure of the expectations of the assignment, contact your teacher.

  • Gather any materials you will need to complete this task. For the purpose of this assignment, you will need:
    • a copy of Joan O’Conner’s article, “The Happy Parent.”
    • a copy of the citation conventions for this course.

  • If the task has more than one step or part to it, be sure to read the instructions carefully for all parts.

  • Review any assessment criteria, such as rubrics, before you start to be sure you have met the assignment expectations. Rubrics are handy devices for summarizing what is needed for a good mark. Continually check the rubric (or other assessment criteria) as you complete an assignment to help you keep on the right track.
The assessment criteria for this task assigns marks for direct quotations from the article “The Happy Parent.” You will need to include them to get full marks. The successful student would check to see how many direct quotes are expected.

Also, take a look at the Communication Skills section of this Foundational Skills Package, which uses rubrics to show you what good online communication looks like.

Be sure you leave yourself enough time to complete the task!

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