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Create a Study Plan

To complete a module of Family Studies 10–12, you will need to spend the same amount of time studying as students who learn in a classroom. Each module should take between 50 to 60 hours to complete. If you are completing more than one module, you will have to allocate more time. If you are unsure of how much time this course will take you to complete, contact your teacher. There are no short cuts to a satisfactory result.

Success in self-teaching involves being well organized.

  • For the most part, work in one-hour chunks on a regular basis. This is better than putting in three- or four-hour marathons once in a while.
  • Set aside enough time to complete a given lesson, task, or assignment. If you need an hour to complete an assignment, make sure you have enough time to finish it. Stopping and coming back to it later may not be efficient.
  • Allot study time during the day when you are most mentally alert. For example, you might find studying in the morning or after dinner is best for you. Choose times when you are least likely to be distracted by family, friends, the phone, or the television.
  • Create a study environment for yourself where you can be successful. Find a quiet, comfortable place in which to study so that you won’t be distracted, such as:
    • a quiet room at home
    • a local library
    • an empty classroom in your school
  • Make sure your workstation has good seating and is well lit.
  • If other people use the space throughout the day, then dedicate a folder or shelf for your course material.

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